Military Family Housing: Find Affordable Homes for Your Family


Military family housing is a type of housing that is provided to military families by the Department of Defense (DoD). It is available on or near military installations around the world. Military family housing can be either on-post housing or off-post housing.

On-post housing is located on a military installation and is owned or leased by the DoD. Off-post housing is located off of a military installation and is owned or rented by private individuals or companies.

Military family housing is provided to military families at a subsidized rate. The amount of the subsidy depends on the family’s income and the type of housing that they are provided.

Military family housing is a valuable benefit for military families. It provides them with a safe and affordable place to live while their loved one is serving in the military.

History of Military Family Housing

Military family housing has a long and storied history. In the early days of the United States military, soldiers were often expected to provide their own housing. This could be difficult, especially for soldiers who were stationed in remote locations. In the late 1800s, the military began to build barracks and other housing units for soldiers and their families. These early housing units were often spartan and uncomfortable, but they provided a roof over the heads of military families.

In the early 1900s, the military began to make a greater investment in military family housing. New housing units were built, and existing units were renovated. The goal was to provide military families with safe, comfortable, and affordable housing. By the end of World War II, the military had a significant inventory of military family housing.

In the years since World War II, the military has continued to invest in military family housing. New housing units have been built, and existing units have been renovated. The goal is to provide military families with the best possible housing. Today, military family housing is a vital part of the military community. It provides a safe, comfortable, and affordable home for military families.

Types of Military Family Housing

There are three types of military family housing: on-post housing, off-post housing, and privatized housing.

On-post housing is located on a military base and is typically owned by the Department of Defense. Off-post housing is located off of a military base and is typically owned by a private landlord. Privatized housing is a type of on-post housing that is owned and operated by a private company.

Each type of military family housing has its own advantages and disadvantages. On-post housing is typically more affordable than off-post housing, but it may be less convenient if the military base is located far from the nearest town or city. Off-post housing may be more expensive than on-post housing, but it may offer more amenities and be closer to schools, shopping, and other services. Privatized housing may offer a combination of the advantages of on-post and off-post housing, but it may be more expensive than either type.

The best type of military family housing for a particular family will depend on their individual needs and preferences. Families should consider factors such as the cost of housing, the location of the housing, and the amenities that are available when making a decision about where to live.

Benefits of Military Family Housing

There are many benefits to living in military family housing, including:

  • Affordability: Military family housing is typically more affordable than renting or buying a home in the civilian community.
  • Convenience: Military family housing is often located close to military bases, making it easy for service members to get to and from work.
  • Safety: Military family housing is typically located in safe neighborhoods, as the military takes steps to ensure the safety of its members and their families.
  • Community: Military family housing provides a sense of community, as families live and work together on a daily basis.

Costs of Military Family Housing

The costs of military family housing vary depending on the type of housing, the location, and the size of the home. On average, military families pay between $900 and $1,500 per month for housing. However, some families may pay more or less depending on their circumstances.

There are a number of factors that can affect the cost of military family housing, including:

  • The type of housing: On-post housing is typically less expensive than off-post housing.
  • The location: Housing costs are higher in some areas than in others.
  • The size of the home: Larger homes cost more than smaller homes.
  • The number of bedrooms and bathrooms: Homes with more bedrooms and bathrooms cost more than homes with fewer bedrooms and bathrooms.

Military families can often save money on housing by living on-post. On-post housing is typically less expensive than off-post housing, and it is also often located close to military bases, which can make it easier for families to get to work and school.

However, there are some disadvantages to living on-post. On-post housing is often more crowded than off-post housing, and it may not be as spacious or as private as off-post housing. Additionally, on-post housing is often subject to more rules and regulations than off-post housing.

Military families should carefully consider all of their options before deciding whether to live on-post or off-post. They should weigh the costs and benefits of each option and make the decision that is best for their family.

Eligibility for Military Family Housing

Military family housing is generally only available to active-duty service members and their families. Spouses and children of retired service members may also be eligible for military family housing, but eligibility criteria vary depending on the branch of service and the specific housing community.

In order to be eligible for military family housing, service members must meet the following criteria:

  • They must be on active duty for at least 180 days.
  • They must have a permanent duty station.
  • They must not have any outstanding debts to the government.

Spouses and children of retired service members must meet the following criteria:

  • The service member must have retired from active duty after at least 20 years of service.
  • The service member must have a permanent duty station.
  • The spouse and children must not have any outstanding debts to the government.

Eligibility for military family housing is also subject to the availability of housing units. If there are no available housing units at the service member’s permanent duty station, they may not be eligible for military family housing.

 Applying for Military Family Housing

Military families who are interested in applying for military family housing should contact their local housing office. The housing office will be able to provide information on the eligibility requirements, the application process, and the waiting list.

The eligibility requirements for military family housing vary depending on the branch of service and the installation. However, some common eligibility requirements include:

  • Being a member of the military
  • Being assigned to a permanent duty station
  • Having dependents

The application process for military family housing can vary depending on the installation. However, some common steps in the application process include:

  1. Submitting an application to the housing office
  2. Providing proof of military service and dependent status
  3. Attending a housing orientation
  4. Selecting a housing unit

The waiting list for military family housing can vary depending on the installation. However, some installations have a long waiting list, so it is important to apply as early as possible.

Once a military family is assigned to a housing unit, they will be responsible for paying rent. The rent for military family housing is typically subsidized by the government, so the monthly payments are often lower than the cost of comparable housing in the private sector.

Military families who are interested in learning more about applying for military family housing should contact their local housing office.

Transitioning out of Military Family Housing

Transitioning out of military family housing can be a challenging process, but there are a number of resources available to help you make the transition smoothly.

One of the first things you need to do is find a new place to live. If you are still on active duty, you may be able to continue living in military housing until your separation date. However, if you are retiring or separating from the military, you will need to find a new place to live on your own.

There are a number of resources available to help you find a new place to live. The Department of Defense (DoD) offers a number of programs and services to help military families transition out of military housing, including:

In addition to these DoD programs, there are a number of other resources available to help you find a new place to live. These resources include:

  • Real estate agents
  • Rental agencies
  • Online classifieds
  • Military spouse support groups

Once you have found a new place to live, you will need to start packing up your belongings and preparing for the move. This can be a stressful process, but there are a number of things you can do to make it easier.

  • Start packing early.
  • Label your boxes clearly.
  • Take pictures of your belongings before you pack them up.
  • Create a moving checklist.

Moving out of military family housing can be a challenging process, but it is also an exciting time. It is a chance to start a new chapter in your life and to create new memories with your family.</p

Living in Military Family Housing

Living in military family housing can provide a number of benefits for military families, including:

  • Affordability: Military family housing is typically more affordable than comparable housing in the private sector.
  • Convenience: Military family housing is often located near military bases, making it easy for military families to access schools, shopping, and other services.
  • Safety: Military family housing is typically located in safe neighborhoods.
  • Community: Military family housing provides an opportunity for military families to connect with other military families and build a sense of community.

However, there are also some challenges to living in military family housing, including:

  • Lack of privacy: Military family housing is often small and crowded, which can make it difficult to have privacy.
  • Rules and regulations: Military family housing is subject to a number of rules and regulations, which can be restrictive.
  • Short-term leases: Military family housing leases are typically short-term, which can make it difficult to build a sense of stability.

Despite the challenges, military family housing can be a good option for military families who are looking for affordable, convenient, and safe housing.


What is military family housing?

Military family housing is subsidized accommodation provided to military families by the Department of Defense, available both on and off military installations worldwide.

Who is eligible for military family housing?

Active-duty service members, veterans, and their surviving spouses who meet specific service, income, and family criteria are eligible for military family housing.

What are the types of military family housing?

There are three main types: on-post housing (within military installations), off-post housing (in civilian communities), and privatized housing (on-post but managed by private companies).

What are the benefits of military family housing?

Benefits include affordability, proximity to military bases for convenience, safe neighborhoods, and a strong sense of community among military families.

How do I apply for military family housing?

Contact your local military housing office to start the application process, which includes submitting necessary documentation like military orders, proof of dependents, and income verification.

What are the costs associated with military family housing?

Costs vary but are generally lower than civilian market rates due to subsidies. They can include rent (often deducted directly from the service member’s pay), utility fees, and sometimes, additional charges for amenities.

Ready to Secure Your Military Family Housing? Let Idaho Bliss Realty Partners Help!

Navigating the options for military family housing can be complex, but you don’t have to do it alone. Idaho Bliss Realty Partners specializes in helping military families find the perfect home, whether you’re looking for on-post convenience, off-post freedom, or the unique benefits of privatized housing.

Why Choose Us?

  • Expert Guidance: Our team has in-depth knowledge of the military housing process and eligibility requirements.
  • Personalized Support: We understand that every military family’s needs are unique. We’re here to find the best housing solution for you.
  • Seamless Process: From application to move-in, we make your housing transition as smooth as possible.

Contact Idaho Bliss Realty Partners today at (208) 891-1222. Discover how we can help you find a safe, affordable, and welcoming home for your family, close to your military community.